Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Why Android Has Become A Favored OS

There are several reasons why mobile phones, tablet PCs and other devices are running on Android today. Android devices have captured almost 50% of the mobile devices market. What is the reason for its phenomenal success?
Developers and consumers today are actively seeking out mobile devices running on Android. The Linux based operating system has found loyal customers worldwide who are benefiting from the many advantages of using Android.
Open Source
Android is an open operating system, developed by Open Handset Alliance and owned by Google. When Google released the source code for Android, it helped in making Google Android app development a much easier task. Google also supported developers in customizing the OS to suit various mobile devices. Comparatively, the source code for Apple's iOS operating system is not available in the public domain; hence, iOS app development remains a challenging task. Therefore, we find that Android offers both flexibility and functionality as well.
Backing Of Google
The development team of Android has consistently brought out advanced versions of the operating system, with better features and improved functionality. Google has released four generations of Android, with the latest named Ice Cream Sandwich. Each generation of the OS features consistent development in technical performance and user interface.
Supported By Google Services
As Android has been developed by Google, the operating system is designed to support all Google services like Google Docs, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Talk, Google+, Google's search engine and YouTube. This is a major advantage offered by Android.
Affordable Prices
The affordable pricing of Android devices has attracted many handset manufacturers and stimulated market competition. Consumers who are price sensitive can own a low-end Android phone and take advantage of its many features. Hence, Android phones have successfully captured the low-end segment. In comparison, Apple's iPhone products have been priced higher, which limits its potential of reaching the masses. This factor also makes it difficult for Apple to woo the low-end segment of customers.
Dedicated Developer Community
When Google released the source code for Android, this greatly benefited business owners and the developer community. There is a community of dedicated developers who make changes to the Android OS to suit the changing business requirements of its users. The developers frequently upgrade the operating system and freely offer their services to business owners who face problems while using Android applications. The source code for other operating systems is not publicly available which limits the ability to customize the OS for a particular business function.
Many device options
The deployment of the Android operating system is not limited to any particular mobile device. All types of mobile phone devices have adopted Android OS and it is available in both form factors, i.e. touchscreen and QWERTY mobiles. In fact, most handset manufacturers are using the Android OS besides Blackberry, Nokia and Apple, whom have developed their own unique operating systems.
Peter is working in a leading iOS App Development Company based in USA. He is an experienced iPhone app developer and has created many useful apps in a variety of fields including sports and music. He likes to share his experience in app development by writing informative articles on topics like Google mobile applications and Business App Development.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7100558

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